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Treat Sleep Apnea in Odessa with an Oral Appliance

March 22, 2018

Filed under: Sleep Apnea,Uncategorized — Tags: — dr_cobb @ 3:43 am

sleeping coupleDo you have sleep apnea? Have you tried—and failed—to use a CPAP machine? Well, don’t feel bad, because you’ve got lots of company . Some research shows that the failure rate for CPAP machine therapy is as high as 50 percent. Nevertheless, sleep apnea must be treated for the sake of a good night’s sleep and your health . Have you considered oral appliance therapy? Many patients find comfortable and effective relief from sleep apnea in Odessa when they wear an oral appliance, also called a snoreguard or mouthguard.

What is Oral Appliance Therapy?

The treatment is really quite simple. All you do is pop the customized oral appliance in your mouth and go to sleep. Unlike a CPAP—continuous positive airway pressure—machine, there’s no mask and no noise. Just a smooth plastic appliance that fits comfortably in your mouth and promotes easy breathing.

How Does an Oral Appliance Work?

Your oral appliance is custom designed and crafted based on precise measurements of your mouth and jaw. When you insert the appliance, it gently shifts your lower jaw slightly forward. This small movement helps to prevent your tongue from falling back toward your airway. Thus, the airway cannot become blocked so you are able  to breathe easily while you sleep.

What is Combination Therapy?

For some patients, the oral appliance helps but not quite enough. In this case, an oral appliance can be used in conjunction with a CPAP machine. When this is done, the air pressure required can often be reduced, making the CPAP much more tolerable. Some patients are able to wear a nose mask rather than a facemask, so movement during sleep is less restricted. And with the air pressure reduced, the sound of the machine is much quieter so your partner is likely to sleep better, too.

What are the Consequences of not Treating Sleep Apnea?

Failing to treat sleep apnea has short- and long-term consequences. In the short term, you’ll be tired tomorrow! While you may not remember being awakened during the night during an episode of sleep apnea, your brain still bears the affects.

In addition to daytime fatigue, people with untreated sleep apnea often experience:

  • Morning headaches
  • Dry mouth and sore throat
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Frequently needing to urinate during the night

The long-term consequences can have a serious impact on your health and well being. Some of the health concerns associated with untreated sleep apnea include high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and depression.

Therefore, you should not delay treating sleep apnea. Call your dentist in Odessa today to find out if an oral appliance will help you.


Meet the Doctor

Dr. Steve W. Cobb is a family and cosmetic dentist. He and his staff offer a wide range of general, restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments as well as sleep apnea therapy for patients throughout West Texas. Call the office today to schedule an appointment.


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